Photographic Competition - The winners are selected

729 pictures taken by 192 photographers from ten different countries, the photographic competition held in conjunction with the 2013 Eifel Rallye Festival was once again a huge success. But it was not just the quantity of entries that enthused the head judge of the competition, famous rally photographer Reinhard Klein, but also the quality and variety of the pictures submitted. "The fans have captured the action and the spirit of the Eifel Rallye Festival on really brilliant photographs. I am especially impressed how good the pictures of the 'amateur' photographs that do not have a press ticket are. In the end, we had selected around 15 images which were all good enough for a trophy. Thus it was really hard to pick the very best ones. And since there were so many great 'photoshopped' images, we decided to creat another prize for the best 'photo art' picture."
These are the winners:
1st Prize
Alex Nijland (Wilp, NL)
Co-drive during the shakedown of the 2014 Eifel Rallye Festival
2nd Prize
Christof Hannig (Homberg)
Fan package for the 2014 Eifel Rallye Festival & book "Toivonen - Finland's fastest family"
3rd Prize
Rudolf Boos (Prüm)
Fan package for the 2014 Eifel Rallye Festival & Eifel Rallye Festival 2013 DVD
Sonderpreis Photo Art
Holger Kessler (Schiffweiler)
Fan package for the 2014 Eifel Rallye Festival & Eifel Rallye Festival 2013 DVD
Sonderpreis originellstes Foto
Karsten Huber (Marpingen)
Fan package for the 2014 Eifel Rallye Festival & Eifel Rallye Festival 2013 DVD
Furthermore, all the above winners will receive a certificate issued and signed by Reinhard Klein.
The organising team of the Eifel Rallye Festival would like to thank all participants in this photographic competition and we send our congratulations to the winners. We look forward to welcoming you back next year and wish you a lot of fun with the prizes. You can find a best of all pictures under