ADAC Eifel Rallye Festival 2020 – Lots of news for the anniversary
- Ten years of the Eifel Rallye Festival will be celebrated on July 23rd/25th, 2020
- Four new stages for the anniversary event
- Famed international meeting-place for the historic rally scene
The tenth edition of the ADAC Eifel Rallye Festival will take place in the Volcanic Eifel from July 23rd/25th, 2020 and will based again in Daun. "This is a unique success story," says its Organisation Manager, Otmar Anschütz, as he looks forward to the anniversary. "When the MSC Daun decided to hold the Festival instead of the previous national stage rally starting in 2011, we were all very confident. But none of us would have ever dreamed that it would become such a big success.”
In a very short space of time, the Eifel Rallye Festival became a worldwide recognized meeting point for the historic rally scene, both for participants and fans. This year in 2020, as in the years before, around one hundred and sixty rally cars epitomising fifty years of rally history will delight the international fans. There would be more cars and their owners invited to take part if it were not for the fact that space in the Rally Mile in the middle of Daun simply will not allow for more vehicles.
An important factor in the success of the Festival are the amazing vehicles belonging to the participants. "The quality of the vehicles has developed to an extraordinary degree in recent years. The participants' awareness of the originality of their possessions has become much greater," says Reinhard Klein. He is responsible for the composition of the starting field and makes sure that only original rally cars or faithful replicas of historic rally cars are at the start of this demonstration-only event. Klein is a world-renowned rally photographer and head of 'Slowly Sideways', the Europe-wide association of owners of historic rally cars. He is assisted in this task of choosing entries by his extensive photo archive which means that "I can advise the owners on everything from the technical details of their car to the exact colour of the interior and the placement of the sponsor stickers.”
Kick-off at the shakedown in Bodenbach
For the shakedown, which is a last opportunity before the Festival starts to check that all is working as it should, the teams meet on Thursday afternoon in Bodenbach. In the middle of the village, there is a service area around the community centre. Here the fans can look over the shoulders of the participants during the final preparation of their cars. The route of the shakedown leads over parts of the former stage 'Kelberger Land', in Borler while on the outskirts of Bodenbach itself there are organised spectator places with a great view of the stage.
All new on Friday
Friday will be – at least as far as the demonstration stages are concerned – completely new. The Superstage in the afternoon will take place between Steineberg and Demerath with one of the major spectator points located alongside the spectacular gravel section. The evening stage will be held at Demerath and was last driven in a similar form in 2017. There is a big plus for the fans here as they will be able to park once and watch twice since for the two main spectator points in both the afternoon and evening, there is a common parking area. But also from the other spectator areas, it is only a few hundred meters for the fans to walk from the afternoon to the evening stage.
An additional highlight on Saturday
In addition to the classic 'Lehwald' mixed surface stage and the familiar route on the Risselberg around Niederstadtfeld, there will be an additional highlight on Saturday. The new loop is located between Köttelbach and Mosbruch and bears the name of the nearby Hochkelberg. After the start in the middle of Köttelbach, the stage goes over narrow and demanding asphalt roads towards Mosbruch and back again where, in Köttelbach, a spectacular route through the town awaits the participants. From the centrally located spectator points, the fans can watch a large part of the stage.
Great support from the participating communities
These extensive changes to the overall route of the Festival and the additional opportunities open to the fans were only made possible thanks to the great support of the participating villages and communities. "The Eifel Rally Festival attracts up to 40,000 international fans to the Volcanic Eifel and has become one of the biggest events in the region," explains Anschütz. "Some of the communities even approached us with finished concepts for a stage through their area and gave us massive support. The local clubs are also involved, taking on important tasks ranging from organising the parking spaces to providing catering for the fans".
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